Saturday, September 9, 2017

Summer Deputation comes to an end.

This summer has been a wonderful time getting to know more people, churches, and connections. We have traveled at least 10,000 miles on our van that has over 250,000 miles on it! What a blessing to know it is still running and functioning fine! The only problem we had was when we ran over a nail.

This past week we spoke at our final church in Ohio. After that we went to Kentucky to visit with Natasha's brother and family for a day or two and are currently in limbo to move or not till the hurricane moves through Florida. We highly desire to be home but know we want to stay safe in a secure location.

We trust God to get us safely back to Florida with a loaded van and a mama that is on her 30th week of pregnancy. We also want to praise God that the need of a computer has been fulfilled.