Saturday, March 17, 2018

March Update, Fundraising - Levantamiento de fondos, Marzo

Hello family and friends, We cannot wait until the first day of spring next week! We had a little of a cold snap here in Florida and want more warm weather!
This month we wanted to focus on sharing something we want to be very transparent about, the finances.
We are currently at 34% of the total we need to raise. Our biggest desire is to be at 50% by June so we can take a seminar which is one of the requirements to move full time to the field.
We are also trying to work on our assignments that ABWE has for us to complete before we can attend that seminar in July. We ask you all to pray for us as we continue to raise support, for God to open doors of churches, for people's hearts and minds as we share so they understand the ministry, and for us to communicate properly.

We want to thank every one of our supporters who has given so far, you all are our backbone and we cannot express how grateful we are to you, we love you so much. We have contacted some churches and people and hope to find more open doors, we also have a schedule in the making for this summer to visit some states again. If you know of someone wanting a one-on-one meeting, or you would be interested in inviting us to your church or talk to your pastor, please contact us.
God has been speaking so much on life and how to not do anything on our own strength. We don’t want to push things and only get our desires for our lives. We know God is paving a way for us to get to Colombia, in the meantime we want to be intentional about doing our part.


ACCOUNT with ABWE #0170483
Option #1=Donate online
This can be a one time gift or monthly support start up

Option #2=Send a check
ABWE Donor Services
PO Box 8585
Harrisburg, PA 17105
(Please put 0170483/Nieto in the memo line)

Option #3= Contact ABWE directly
(717)-774-7000 ex.4
a missionary donor specialist will serve you

Friday, March 2, 2018

February 2018. Video Series ABWE

Hello friends and family, The weather is nice and cool here in Florida and we are loving it!
This year Jonatan and I spent Valentine’s Day apart but we are going to spend some days as a family this next week sharing our love.

We thank God for the love we share with our family and also His unwavering love towards us. This past month Jonatan was able to focus on studying for his pilot instrument rating. A big prayer request answered, he found an instructor that is helping him finish up his training to get this rating and we hope he can finish soon. Natasha also had some huge answers to prayer. You may have seen a post on Facebook and we will share it on here as well:
“Today I’m so overwhelmed by how much God loves me. It has been over 2 years since I have had this passion inside of me to do something with birth training and helping pregnant mothers. I had no idea how it was going to happen with a newborn at the time (Isabella) and my husband focusing on his training. So, I just prayed... I want to implement my knowledge in the Amazon with hopes of having a crisis pregnancy center, if it’s Gods will... TODAY I have my first doula clinical and birth assistant training...So many emotions!!!!”

Natasha will have her first birth as a doula at any time and we ask you to help us pray. If you don’t know what a doula is, it is a certified personnel that specifically helps the mother during birth. There are birth doulas and postpartum doulas but Natasha wants to focus right now on being a birth doula. She also had the opportunity to become a birth assistant at the birth center where she gave birth to Gabriella. This is an on-call position and isn’t a full-time job, which is perfect now with having a toddler and newborn. We will see what all God has in store for her future! We leave you with this month's video. We love you all, take care!