Sunday, April 10, 2016

First year with Itec - Primer año con Itec

Hi, It has been almost a year since we joined Itec in Florida. We don't have any doubt that God brought us here, and we feel so excited about getting closer to one of the main goals for the ministry God has called us to do in the Amazon region. We celebrate at the same place where we spent our first week with Itec, last year, at Sun & Fun, one of the largest aviation fairs in the country. Please celebrate with us as we thank God for his mercies and we remember the many things that happened this past year. 
Enjoy the pictures.

Normal day at the hangar - Un dia normal en el hangar 

Landing gear test on a Cardinal
Prueba del tren de aterrizaje en un Cardinal

Flying with Steve Saint - Volando con Steve Saint 
All our belongings from Virginia to Florida
Nuestras pertenencias de Virginia a la Florida
Making wonderful friends - Haciendo amigos maravillosos

Learning something new - Aprendiendo algo diferente.

Zenith floats removal - Removiendo los flotadores del Zenith

Aviation fair 2016 - Feria de aviacion 2016
Aviation fair 2015 - Feria de aviacion 2015

First week of Isabella - La primer semana de Isabella
Assembling an RV-10 (a)
Assembling an RV-10 (b)
Assembling an RV-10 (c)
Assembling an RV-10 (d)
I-med training - Entrenamiento I-med

Installing engine on Cessna 182
Instalando motor en Cessna 182

Teaching music at our church
Enseñando musica en nuestra iglesia

Panel upgrade RV-8
Actualización de panel RV-8

Panel upgrade RV-9
Actualización de panel RV9
February 2016 - Febrero 2016