Hello family and friends!
We finally made it back to Florida since Jonatan completed all of his studies and got the aviation licenses.
The Itec family, as always, has been very supportive and loving to keep us excited to continue the training in missions and aviation for the ministry in the Amazon.
Our countdown begins (17 months left) and this brings challenges, with some effort and commitment to make them happen.
We are so grateful how God has been providing for every single need and how he has given us good health along the way.
Our goals to start this new year are the following:
-Create a work team for the ministry in the Amazon. We are excited to hear from others who have the same passion and how God has been bringing us together to develop his will in our lives and go where he has called us to go.
- Raise our monthly support as we both are involved full-time with the ministry, as well as when we are in the Amazon.
So far we have been able to raise 10-15% of our monthly goal. Please pray for us so God can continue opening doors and providing for our needs, and if you are interested in joining us in the ministry financially, we would be grateful. It could be a one time gift, monthly, or for a specific missions trip like the one we are planning to make this summer.
You can directly donate through Itec's website: http://www.itecusa.org/donate.html
Option #1 You can donate online, Designation= I-FLY Program and Memo= JN (our initials)
Option #2 You can send a check to this address (with JN in the memo line):
10575 SW 147th Circle
Dunnellon, FL 34432
Thank you so much for your support.