Hello to everyone,
This is our last update of the year and we want to wish you a great time with family and friends.
We also want to remind of the importance and need of keeping the real meaning of the greatest gift of salvation of all of us during this and all the seasons.
Jonatan was finally able to complete all his studies. It has been a long process and we praise God for his help, provision, motivation and strength to close this chapter of our lives and keep moving forward with the ministry the creator has entrusted us to do.
One more goal we have set is for the preparation of our move to the Amazon put to a time frame.
We hope that in one and a half years we will be ready to establish our home in the amazon region.
The training with ITEC might take more or less time but we want to set this goal to help us stay focused.
In the year 2016 both Jonatan & Natasha will be devoting all of their time to serve as volunteers in the ministry. We know the Lord will provide for every need because we have seen him working in our finances for many years, please continue in pray with us about this.
Merry Christmas!